(385) 528-8277
Brooke received her Master's in Occupational Therapy from Midwestern University in 2013 and is certified in early intervention. She has training in Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT), Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI), Craniosacral Therapy (CS1), Total Motion Release (TMR), Sensory Integration, infant and child feeding, and overall development. She is currently in the process of getting certified in Orofacial Myofunctional therapy through the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Brooke is skilled in working with babies and children with gross motor delays, fine motor delays, feeding delays/difficulties, diagnosed conditions including genetic, neurological, and musculoskeletal conditions.
Brooke is a mother of two and has had a cherished nursing relationship with both of her children. When she had her first baby they had a challenging road that included support from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, a physical therapist, and a pediatric dentist who released lip and tongue restrictions, ultimately leading to a beautiful nursing journey. This experience led her down the road of supporting the breastfeeding relationship through therapeutic interventions.
When not working, Brooke can be found with her family. She loves to be outside and in the water playing and exploring with her children.